Author Topic: AudioXsell CDs  (Read 5372 times)

Offline djbnh

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AudioXsell CDs
« on: December 08, 2007, 03:59:30 AM »
Does anyone have experience with AudioXsell's CDRs? If so, can you please opine in this thread. In advance, thanks for your assistance.

I note these CDRs are pricey - $100 for 100 is the least expensive purchasing option on the web site. Or, one can do the $10 for 3 option.  :-k   Thus, I'm interested in reading what others felt they got for their respective $$.
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Re: AudioXsell CDs
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2007, 07:35:02 AM »

    Great subject. Thanks. I'm going to Circuit city to buy some.

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Offline djbnh

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Re: AudioXsell CDs
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2007, 03:08:12 AM »
Cool djdnh!  8)

More info:
A bit off topic here: I note the first link is to a paper by Gary Leonard Koh of Genesis loudspeaker fame. Well, he's also the importer of the IsoTek System Enhancer CD. The gentleman seems willing to be open to various audio improvements, tweaks, etc.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program. richidoo, thanks for all the links!  :clap:
I'm wondering if there is something supposedly superior to the AudioXsell product, or if its pricing is for some other, unknown reason disproportionate to the other companies' respective black CDR media.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2007, 03:19:14 AM by djbnh »
“If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”   C.S. Lewis

Offline richidoo

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Re: AudioXsell CDs
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2007, 06:19:42 AM »
I was wondering that too. Only one way to find out! ;)

I tried a CD demagnetizer and CD ionizer at the RMAF show, both Acoustic Revive products. They used them on my CD-R which is not metallic like a real CD, but the difference was very noticeable, and I judged the products to be worth the price. I wondered how such CD treatments (liquids, markers, disk vibe dampers, footers, demag, ionize, black bottom, etc.) might compare to ripping the CD with a tenacious PC program like EAC or Easy CD-DA and streaming from hard drive. I thought that most of these CD treatments act to improve the laser's ability to pick up data. But reading Robert Harley's TAS treatise on CD players last year, you would think they are nearly foolproof in extracting data. So then I think the tweeks help reduce jitter? But that doesn't really make sense either. It remains yet another audio mystery to me.