I just got a new DAC, a Lessloss 2004. It has capability to accept AES/EBU, Coaxial, or optical inputs from a digital source. I only have one optical cable, from Radio Shack, which in the few places I've tried it have been unimpressive. It sounds tinny. I don't know if sound quality improves with $$ in optical cables but just wanted to get one to try.
I've heard optical cables can be good to solve grounding problems. However, the TacT output I'll be using which includes all of the output options will not output a 192 khz signal through the optical port. The TacT will output whatever sample rate the user needs, but the TacT processes at 24 bits/192 khz. I figure leaving one downconversion step out of the equation can't be a bad thing and might even provide some benefit. This is one of the reasons I wound up with the Lessloss.
So, for me the real question is Coax or AES/EBU. I have a nice Coax digital cable and wouldn't probably be spending too much (say $50) on an AES/EBU cable. Are there any theoretical or practical benefits between the two?
Thanks for any insight.