We just got home, had a nice time. Great to see so many audio friends in one place!
My fav rooms were the Border Patrol room, the Quad 63/Miyajima room, Legacy, Joseph Pulsar room, Triode/GT/Rollo room.
I was glad to hear that the new Legacy tweeter has improved upon the previous version mid ribbon drastically. They are voiced a little flat for me, but that's not hard to fix, and everything else is great, especially the musical voicing, powerful presence, and extreme dynamic headroom. I loved the Whisper XD, despite lack of bass tuning and some cantankerous room modes. Last year in a better sounding room Whisper had the best bass I have ever heard but the shitty mid ribbon was hard to swallow. With the new ribbon mid it finally all adds up for me. Now where did I put that $20k?
My son and I left the show around noon and drove through sunny, 85 degree beautiful clean and flowery downtown DC, which was a memorable adventure of its own. There were a great many young yuppie couples spending their government paychecks on lattes, skimpy summer dresses, Beemers, Range Rovers, hundreds of new luxury apartment buildings popping up everywhere, it's true that DC is the richest city on Earth, in the deepest debt. Half of all the cars are Prius with Obama stickers. But the zillions of 20something young ladies wearing $1000 sun dresses
almost made me forget about reality and join in the fantasy. We were heading to Arlington to visit an audiophile who owns these paper tractrix horns (actual pictured) with TAD 2001 drivers, 45 and 300B tubes, bass and sub horns, DEQX. Very fun!

Special thanks to Rob S. for dinner.