Systemic Development > Multiple Personality Disorders

Decware Announces the Decware Zen Ultra - A Six Channel Pre-Amp

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Try this link instead: There are some interesting diagrams for different configurations as you scroll down the page and discussions on HT issues and potential fixes.  The owners manual is at the very bottom following the descriptions.

I don't know.  I was all set to get a pre-pro which would give me bass/channel management, general DSP and room correction options.  HDMI optimizes those tools better than analog.  Now, I am not so sure.  This pre-amp doesn't quite get me there but some of the features seem so interesting.


The only thing I'm confused about is the surround processing... it's not covered in the diagrams... and if each input is a pair of L/R inputs, I'm guessing you just use 1 of each when connecting from pre-outs of a DVD player?

Barry (NJ):

--- Quote from: Carlman on June 02, 2011, 08:38:08 AM ---The only thing I'm confused about is the surround processing... it's not covered in the diagrams... and if each input is a pair of L/R inputs, I'm guessing you just use 1 of each when connecting from pre-outs of a DVD player?

--- End quote ---
The "Surround Processing" or more aptly "Surround Decoding" would be done in the source component, and utilize the analog outs of the source component to feed this pre-amp. I find it intriguing.

Wow, that is a work of art!

I've had a McCormack MAP-1 for the past few years and have loved every minute with it. This thing looks amazing, but I wonder if it could best my SAS 10a tube pre with HT bypass? It sure LOOKS more impressive, but I really like my 10a

What an amazing concept though!

I don't know about this Pre, but I have owned two Decware Amps including the Mini Torii and the Torii and I have preferred them over many other amps....


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