Author Topic: USB Extender recommendations?  (Read 9629 times)

Offline malloy

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USB Extender recommendations?
« on: January 13, 2019, 11:41:37 PM »
Does anyone have any recommendations for a USB extender?

I primarily use my HP Workstation as music 'server' through USB > Dac.  It's made for 24/7 operation but is very noisy with at least 5 fans inside. Until I get a proper music server going, I'll have to make do with this. A usb extender can go past the limitations of the length limitations of USB.

An extender will allow me to place the computer in another room while allowing for galvanic isolation.

There seem to be two kinds that provide some benefit:

  • USB through LAN or ethernet - cheaper
  • USB through Fiber - more expensive, but might be available used

I know PS Audio had a product some years ago - the Lan Rover ( that was based off an Icron USB extender (or some say is just a rebadged product?):


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Re: USB Extender recommendations?
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2019, 08:13:22 PM »
Does anyone have any recommendations for a USB extender?

I primarily use my HP Workstation as music 'server' through USB > Dac.  It's made for 24/7 operation but is very noisy with at least 5 fans inside. Until I get a proper music server going, I'll have to make do with this. A usb extender can go past the limitations of the length limitations of USB.

An extender will allow me to place the computer in another room while allowing for galvanic isolation.

There seem to be two kinds that provide some benefit:

  • USB through LAN or ethernet - cheaper
  • USB through Fiber - more expensive, but might be available used

I know PS Audio had a product some years ago - the Lan Rover ( that was based off an Icron USB extender (or some say is just a rebadged product?):
What length do you need and what is your budget?  I have access to some very good base repeaters that I can do the P.I. cryo and mods on.  I’ve done several with great customer feedback.  Let me know...
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