I find it difficult to describe the sound of nothing, what is basically left of the noise floor from the music server that is connected to my DigiBUSS. Same goes for the system plugged into the UberBUSS.
It uncovers the low level signals and gets rid of any hash from the SMPS for the computer and display that would be on the USB line to the DAC. Good stuff.
Looking forward to the BlunderBUSS for the new speaker amps! 
Thanks, Rich.
I guess where I was going with my thoughts is that AN seems like a great place to have a really good discussion by people that are nice and play well with others. It is such a breath of fresh air coming over here. None of the "you're stupid" or "you're deaf" crap over here. I know there are people out there with some strong experiences with digital audio that must have a lot to share.
Exactly how I described this site to you. We have only one ball buster however easy to deal with as we know his tactics.
I need my mind changed about computer audio. The best I have heard to date is Hals music server at CAF.
My reference is a CEC 01 transport. Limited to 44.1 Redbook and does not play burned CDs. The new CEC01x does but out of my reach.
As far as a single box player the Esoteric 01x is my reference. Stand alone DAC hands down is the VU Jade.
I just do not know what will beat what in a direct comparison as we have yet to check that out.
I am NOT putting down computer audio I just need to hear one against the other in a familiar system.
Thanks, guys.
"What is the sound of one hand clapping?" Old zen question. I know that it is at ~ -90dB because we measured it back in the day. The sound came from wind noise. Kind of like digital audio. Fun stuff in the studio while a tad tipsy.
FF about 10 years. I gave up analog for strictly pragmatic reasons. I was doing a lot of studio consultation in the '90s and everyone was going to digital as the format of choice. People would ask me "how does it sound" and having an analog paradigm during the ear of crappy digital with even crappier anti-aliasing filters and cheap assed parts meant that I had to be able to say: "compared to my digital system..." instead of: It sounds awful" compared to my analog system. Made my head hurt and I went through the same kind of reprofunk I did after I made a transition from tubes to sand amps. Stupidity knows no bounds.
FF to about 5 years ago when I heard Eric Hiders original Tranquility DAC and it finally made sense to me. At the time I had a Cary 306 Pro and it still sounded like digital to me. Kind of sterile and standoff-ish, but very good in a technical context. When I heard the NOS Tranquility and its' liquid, relaxed presentation I knew a couple of things: Accurate? Uhm, no. Musical - in spades.
FF to now. I now know how to make digital music that leaves me wanting nothing from analog anymore. It takes a lot of work, careful selection and a tad bit of suspension of disbelief when it comes to the fact that I am getting huge enjoyment from a digital instead of analog source.
Even better days are coming I think. Roger Norden, my good friend and fellow geezer has alerted me to the newest version of the Sonore microRendu. A headless microcomputer running linux that will direct feed from a NAS to a DAC. I'll be getting one in the next few weeks and will let you know what I hear... or don't, which may be more important.
The times, they are a changin'!