Thanks Liz.
What about JPlay, does it do a lot of that streamlining of the PC? But not free.
I'm liking the idea of Linux more and more. It can't be THAT hard? Cheap enough to try and throw away if I'm too old for it. 
I have tried Linux and there is only one player out there that I would suggest called HQ Player desktop yet it is costly.
I went over to another audiophile club members home tonight who I have mentored about computer audio. He uses Jplay yet he has so many problems with it. We ran an old version of fildelizer and we could clearly hear the organ and vocals better in Julsang on Cantate domino (proprius).
I upgraded his fidelizer yet we had to call it a night. He uses an older version of Jriver because jplay is not compatible with JRMC 20.
Also I noticed that Jplay was setup to use ASIO which is old and back from the windows xp days.
Running fidelizer, I was able to set JRMC to use WASAPI and connect to his external dac.