I use a Musica (actually two, in different rooms). One is stock and the other has RWA mods (battery PS, digital pulse output transformer, etc.). In both cases, I'm only using the digital out into my DAC/Tact equipment. The main advantage of the Opus is in the upgraded DAC. If you're going into a DAC, it's wasted money, IMO.
The stock Musica makes for a great transport. It held it's own against my Pro-2m. Less extended, but smoother through the mids. I still thought inserting a Genesis Lens in-between helped it, though. Now, with the RWA-modded unit, however, I've sold my Lens. It compares to the elites, at a reasonable price, and I'm addicted to having much of my collection at my fingertips. And one other nice thing, as compared to a squeezebox, is you don't need to use , or even have, a computer. It's stand alone (well, it is a computer). Pretty quiet at my listening seat. Highly recommended as a transport.