Author Topic: Rega Apollo in the house  (Read 24588 times)

Offline richidoo

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Apollo transport control
« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2007, 07:47:01 AM »
Eric, is the Apollo's startup delay while it scans the disc annoying to you, or do you just get used to it? I find the spinup of my cheap player annoyingly long.

And here's a question only the designer or an owner can answer: Is it possible to fast reverse from the beginning of a song through the break and into the end of the previous song on the Apollo? Many high end players can't do this, they just stop rewinding at the beginning of the song. I use that feature alot.

eric the red

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Re: Apollo transport control
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2007, 11:28:03 AM »
Quote from: "richidoo"
Eric, is the Apollo's startup delay while it scans the disc annoying to you, or do you just get used to it? I find the spinup of my cheap player annoyingly long.

And here's a question only the designer or an owner can answer: Is it possible to fast reverse from the beginning of a song through the break and into the end of the previous song on the Apollo? Many high end players can't do this, they just stop rewinding at the beginning of the song. I use that feature alot.
Rich-The 'initialising' delay on my player is about 7 seconds and to me is no big deal. And yes you can fast reverse from one song to another with the Apollo but it took me awhile to learn how to (as in just now :P ). On the Apollo's remote, you press the fast reverse button once and then when you get to where you want to be on the previous song, you press the fast reverse button twice and the players stops reversing and starts playing the track where you stopped.


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Rega Apollo in the house
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2007, 02:57:16 PM »

my player takes about 7 seconds also. My dvd player takes a bit less....5 seconds. Never tried the reverse into the previous track..have to get my instuctions out to see.. :?



Offline richidoo

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Rega Apollo in the house
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2007, 05:20:34 AM »
The first time I used a remote with that function of reverse button to reverse, then reverse button again to play, it was so counter intuitive. I was at a dealer and started rewinding. I had to ask for help to get it to stop! Of course, they didn't know either... Hell you can always unplug the thing. 8)

Sam Tellig writes a little about the Apollo in this issue. Nothing you haven't already seen before, but the new CD transport chip from England is pretty cool!

Offline Inscrutable

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Rega Apollo in the house
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2007, 05:37:31 PM »
he had just bought a Cary tubed cdp and that it was OK but was thinking of buying a used Jupiter instead and asked me how I liked the Apollo compared to the Jupiter
This is interesting Eric.  As i was reading your posts about all the digitals you've gone through, I was thinking that other than the uber-expensive units, the one I heard that I liked the most is a Cary 303/300.  If the Apollo competes with - let alone bests - that it would be a screaming deal.  Of course, I suppose this guy could have had a 308T, which I've heard and the 303 is much better.

I'm still on the fence if I get another CDP, or just an optimized Squeezebox/DAC rig.

eric the red

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Re: Rega Apollo in the house
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2007, 03:02:11 PM »
FWIW-I finally got my slightly modded (Incognito rewire, Michell arm stub/weight) Rega P3 and AT cartridge dialed in and last night fooled around A-Bing different recordings that I have on both vinyl and the spinning shiny discs. The sonics are remarkably similar with the Apollo winning in the bass dept but the P3 winning in the more spacious sound dept. Both are very enjoyable to listen to. Not the last word in all things audiophile, but as far as sitting down and listening to music for extended periods of time again, that's what I was aiming for.  If there wasn't so much music on vinyl that I am interested in listening to, I would be perfectly content with the Apollo and the limitations of listening to cds as my sole source of listening pleasure. I quit looking on the Agone want ads at cdps which says alot about how much I like the Apollo here at component central. I've now switched from swapping components to acquiring large amount of LPs which I think is a good thing...Happy 4th of July y'all.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2007, 03:04:56 PM by eric the red »