Shep. We love ya here rant away you are entitled. In general I have always had a pet peeve with ultra high cable costs. No what is high to me may not be to someone else. All in the eye of the beholder.
For me the Cottage industry cable makers can and do offer quality and good price. Big Company's like Tara, MIT, Kimber, Cardas, Nordost, JPS and the like are different. Their overhead with advertising costs, promo. [ shows] and dealer mark up are some of the reason. The other reason is they are big names that can demand a higher price. It's called business.
Now a fair price for me may be to expensive or not expensive to someone else. Go figure. It is in the eye of the beholder.
What I do agree with is hands on experience. If one has not experienced a particular cable there should be NO OPINION offered. Period. Just because it may cost a lot is not a reason to dis the cable in question.
I myself have been quality of such, stood corrected and have learned otherwise. To date nothing has been able to out perform the Harmonix Golden ratio IC at $2800 for 1.5 mtrs in my system. Nada. Close maybe but no cigar.
Now back to Grover's latest offering. So far these cables are the Cat's meow in my system. I do not know how much they cost and frankly did not want to know before trying them. They clearly have a better synergy than the Harmonix.
Does that mean that Harmonix is ripping people off. No it means that someone else has made a cable less expensively and different [ better for my system]. One size does not fit all. I do not believe there is a best anything. The Harmonix may very well in another system may be preferred Grover's cable. Again, one size does not fit all. If I did not experience Grover's cable the Harmonix would still be fine. Live and learn.
So if a cable floats one boat and one is willing to pay dearly or inexpensively for that God bless.
So Grover how much are these babies ??? Be gentle.
