Guys. Please buy these things! I need more business. The RFI and EMI products from them will keep me in business for frickin’ ever or until I Croak!
New tech pretty much equals audio SQ quality death.
PLEASE buy them!
LED, CFI, WiFi, Smart meters, etc all kill SQ and support my business. Both of you are former customers so I will be happy to build you solutions 
I have to agree with Dave. Just because these light don't connect to dimmers doesn't mean that don't use them . The dimmers are just built into the bulbs. So now you will have one dimmer for each bulb instead of a single dimmer controlling a whole string. Not to mention all of the RF flying around to control them.
Once again it seems like one step forward with technology leads to two steps backwards for SQ.
This reminds me of an article I read a number of years back that was about an interview with some of the recording teams who worked on the golden age recordings from the 1950s. When asked why they sounded so good one of them replied "That's easy, the engineers had not yet invented the new technologies required to f#uck up the music."

Funny yes, but sadly there's probably a lot of truth to that statement.