General Hospital > Special Events

Axpona 2021 cancelled

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Well here we go again. Moved to April now.  :roll:


I would think that the show was cancelled because of the uncertainty of the Covid situation more than anything else.

The people who run these shows do not do it for the love of the hobby, they do it to make money. And with the prospect of things getting worse and both exhibitors pulling out and people staying away from the show the organizers were faced with the very real possibility of losing a significant amount of money if the show went on and bombed. This far in advance I and sure they can get most if not all of the money back that they would have paid the venue, if nothing more than as a credit to use against a show in April.

As an Audiophile I am sad to see these shows shut down or get pushed out, but as a businessman I can totally understand why they would do it.

And as a Covid survivor I am just happy that I have the opportunity to still be around to attend a show that is pushed out to next year.

Sitting in a Covid ward for a week not knowing if you were going to leave the hospital in a wheelchair or a box really changes your outlook on things. One of the major things that I came to grips with was to not seat the small stuff. And in the grand scheme going or not going to an audio show is half past small.


Sorry to hear you went through that Tom. Very glad to hear you came out of it ok!

  One would think with the Vaccine, masks, etc a non issue. Was not going anyway to Chicago. Tom did not you get it right after your vaccine jab ? Was there a bad reaction to the shot, pre existing conditions or just a severe case ? Glad you are cured. I had a mild case for 4 days.


Triode Pete:

--- Quote from: rollo on September 09, 2021, 08:58:23 AM --- As of today mandatory Vaccination required. Cancelled our Hotel room. Not going.


--- End quote ---

Are you talking about AXPONA or the CAF show... AXPONA is cancelled!

If about CAF, your statement is misinformation... As per the CAF letter sent by Organizer Gary Gill today...

"CAF now also requires that all participants provide a COVID Vaccination Card or recent (One week or less) negative test to enter."

Can't take a quick test within that week to reduce the risk of infecting others? I really don't get it!


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