Specialists > Audiologists

Where do you guys need help?

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We all need help in some aspect of audio.  I'm ignorant about many things, like tone arms and cartridges. I sold all of my analog playback some years ago.  Duh.

How about room acoustics?  Brian Pape has checked in and I'm sure would love a good discussion.

Psychoacoustic so, why should we care.

Building or renovating a room for audio?

Need help with a Mac mini as a music server?

Non-resonant speaker cabinet construction?

How about mechanical grounding or component isolation?

Measurements: which ones really matter?

Is flat response desire able or even musical?

How much does group delay in a speaker matter?

Speaker design?

Is a funk range driver cool or what?  If so, which ones work for you and why?

Subwoofers?  Why, which and what ones?

Materials and their characteristics.  What does that matter.

Are shielded interconnects necessary or even matter?

There are ton of subjects. Do we are or trust others opinions?

I could go on and on...

My head just exploded  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nick B:

--- Quote from: dBe on July 24, 2017, 10:43:41 PM ---We all need help in some aspect of audio.  I'm ignorant about many things, like tone arms and cartridges. I sold all of my analog playback some years ago.  Duh.

How about room acoustics?  Brian Pape has checked in and I'm sure would love a good discussion.

Psychoacoustic so, why should we care.

Building or renovating a room for audio?

Need help with a Mac mini as a music server?

Non-resonant speaker cabinet construction?

How about mechanical grounding or component isolation?

Measurements: which ones really matter?

Is flat response desire able or even musical?

How much does group delay in a speaker matter?

Speaker design?

Is a funk range driver cool or what?  If so, which ones work for you and why?

Subwoofers?  Why, which and what ones?

Materials and their characteristics.  What does that matter.

Are shielded interconnects necessary or even matter?

There are ton of subjects. Do we are or trust others opinions?

I could go on and on...

--- End quote ---

Wow, lots to digest. My area of interest would be unshielded cables. My cables are unshielded and have a slight hum occasionally.  Move them a slight amount and I can no longer hear the hum. But, on a micro level, would the right shielding erase noise even more. It's hard to fathom decreasing noise more as the Uber has been terrific in that regard. Unfortunately, I don't have quality shielded cables to compare to.

Nice thread, dBe  :thumb:


Yeah, I think we all need help.

Just step over here and lay down on this couch. Exactly how long have you had this obsession........    :rofl:


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