Author Topic: P.I. audio group will cease to be...  (Read 8502 times)

Offline P.I.

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P.I. audio group will cease to be...
« on: October 08, 2021, 11:54:56 PM »
December 31, 2021.

It is time for me to hang it up.

I will be 74 next February.  My arthritis has accelerated at what seems to be an exponential rate.  I find it very difficult to do what I do.

I'm tired.  I have been working, non-stop for 60+ years and I get up in the morning and I consider my day and recently have not been looking forward to another day in the shop or at the bench.

Gayle is as supportive as a wife could ever be.  We are growing old together and we recognize all of the things we could not do over the years due to me having a morbid case of the "gottas!"  I owe it to her understanding and her grace in dealing with the things that we eschewed due to me being driven.  The time is here for us - See our booking the JB Blues Cruise in August.  I pray that we are both here to get our Blues on,

I love and obviously, have loved what I do.  I would not know most of you without that spark of an idea I had back in January of 2019.  I appreciate, cherish and love every customer I have ever had.  The Lord has brought many Believers to me, but this is not about that or them.  I am just thankful beyond words for each and everyone of you here!  It doesn't get better than being me in this life, with my Faith, my Family and my Friends.
Thank you. ❤️
« Last Edit: October 09, 2021, 12:00:56 AM by P.I. »
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline rpf

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Re: P.I. audio group will cease to be...
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2021, 07:12:14 AM »
No, thank you Dave for your informative posts, advice, patience, and excellent products. Please continue to hang out here after your retirement.

Mac Mini>Singxer SU-1>Lampizator Amber II>Rogue Cronus Magnum>Aural Acoustics Model B.
TWL PCs; Audio Envy ICs & SCs; Purist Digital IC; PI Audio USB Cable and Buss-Stop.
Sonos Connect, iFi SPDIF iPurifier, Schiit Modi Multibit, Audioengine 5+

Offline mdconnelly

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Re: P.I. audio group will cease to be...
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2021, 07:28:30 AM »
Dave, while I'm certain the decision to retire was not one easily reached, it IS one you should absolutely feel good about and certainly one you deserve.  You have contributed greatly to this amazing passion we all share.  Your insights, advice, and of course, great products have had a huge impact.   I can only humbly say thank you.    Enjoy your retirement, and stay in touch when you can.

Offline mresseguie

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Re: P.I. audio group will cease to be...
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2021, 08:31:46 AM »

On the one hand, I'm sorry to learn of this. Your PI Audio Busses are kickass, and I still use all three of mine. I agree wholeheartedly with what rpf and mdconnelly have stated. You have contributed a great deal to not only this forum but to that 'other forum' as well. On the other hand, I understand your decision. There comes a time when other matters become more important - offspring; grandkids, simple pleasures of holding hands with Gayle as you walk in the park.

Enjoy yourself - you've earned it.

Are you contemplating moving to Oregon now to be closer to family?

Daedalus Audio Apollos; Fritz Loudspeakers LS/5-R
Don Sachs Model 2 preamp
Don Sachs dual mono 300b; Nuprime Evolution STA
Hapa loom
PI Audio UberBUSS, DigiBUSS, Uber-MiniBUS

Offline Nick B

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Re: P.I. audio group will cease to be...
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2021, 09:28:11 AM »

There are seasons in life and you’re just moving into another…and better…one. Your products have added so much to the quality and realism my system is producing, and for that, I’m so very grateful 🎶

Hope you will enjoy this new and exciting time and may your and Gayle’s remaining years be very blessed 🙏

Orchard Starkrimson Ultra amp
Hattor Big preamp
JMR Voce Grande speakers
Holo Cyan2 dac
Holo Red streamer
Spiritual Sound silver/gold
digital coax and interconnects
TWL Digital American II p cord
Audio Envy p cords
Roon, Tidal, Qobuz
PI Audio UberBUSS

Offline P.I.

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Re: P.I. audio group will cease to be...
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2021, 03:09:10 PM »
I appreciate these comments and the personal emails that I've gotten.

My active part in the business will go away, I won't.  I'll be around to service customers that I've gotten over the years and will definitely keep my hand in doing things and working on the ideas that have not been given the time and opportunity to come to pass.  Hopefully I'll have more time to listen and just enjoy music and be a little more active here.  It is just that the daily grind has become exactly that.

Like I said: I love this place and you all.  :thumb:
« Last Edit: October 09, 2021, 03:10:59 PM by P.I. »
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline Barry (NJ)

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Re: P.I. audio group will cease to be...
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2021, 06:39:37 AM »
I appreciate these comments and the personal emails that I've gotten.

My active part in the business will go away, I won't.  I'll be around to service customers that I've gotten over the years and will definitely keep my hand in doing things and working on the ideas that have not been given the time and opportunity to come to pass.  Hopefully I'll have more time to listen and just enjoy music and be a little more active here.  It is just that the daily grind has become exactly that.

Like I said: I love this place and you all.  :thumb:

Dave, All the very BEST for you and your new adventures where ever they may lead!
Happiness is when your system overcomes your nervosa ;) 
So much media, so little time... My Media Room...

Offline dflee

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Re: P.I. audio group will cease to be...
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2021, 09:22:08 AM »
So Dave, what's it gonna take to get rid
Of you. I mean we tried to make you so
busy that you wouldn't have time to be around and  what do you do, retire and will
have more time to hang out. I for one will always enjoy your works and your wit.
Toast to a great future and thanks for all you've done.

"Enjoy pleasure, not because it is fleeting, but because it exists at all." Sacrament, Clive Barker.

Offline P.I.

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Re: P.I. audio group will cease to be...
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2021, 12:02:08 PM »
I appreciate these comments and the personal emails that I've gotten.

My active part in the business will go away, I won't.  I'll be around to service customers that I've gotten over the years and will definitely keep my hand in doing things and working on the ideas that have not been given the time and opportunity to come to pass.  Hopefully I'll have more time to listen and just enjoy music and be a little more active here.  It is just that the daily grind has become exactly that.

Like I said: I love this place and you all.  :thumb:

Dave, All the very BEST for you and your new adventures where ever they may lead!
Thanks Barry  8)
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline P.I.

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Re: P.I. audio group will cease to be...
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2021, 12:03:00 PM »
So Dave, what's it gonna take to get rid
Of you. I mean we tried to make you so
busy that you wouldn't have time to be around and  what do you do, retire and will
have more time to hang out. I for one will always enjoy your works and your wit.
Toast to a great future and thanks for all you've done.

I'm like a bad penny.  I'll just keep showing up, my friend 👍🏼
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline tmazz

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Re: P.I. audio group will cease to be...
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2021, 05:19:11 PM »
So Dave, what's it gonna take to get rid
Of you. I mean we tried to make you so
busy that you wouldn't have time to be around and  what do you do, retire and will
have more time to hang out. I for one will always enjoy your works and your wit.
Toast to a great future and thanks for all you've done.

I'm like a bad penny.  I'll just keep showing up, my friend 👍🏼

We can only hope.   :D
Remember, it's all about the music........

Nola Boxers
Sunfire True SW Super Jr (2)
McIntosh MC 275
VPI HW-19 Mk IV/SDS/SAM/SME IV/Soundsmith Carmen Mk II ES
Pro-Ject Pre Box S2 DAC/Rasp Pi Roon Endpoint
DigiBuss/TWL PC & USB Cables

Offline dflee

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Re: P.I. audio group will cease to be...
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2021, 06:29:10 PM »
"my friend 👍🏼"
I am not worthy (but ever so grateful).
Your equipment will grace my humble abode till I no longer exist.
Speaking of, disconnected the tele cause I'm out of room in the Digi and no, that aint gonna get it. Color definition left the building. Now I have the cable out and while the sould took a hit I'll probably live with it cause the Digi does so much for everthing plugged into it. While it is a shame to be losing your products, I hope we can still rely on your expertise for many years to come.
Will there be a continuation of your knowledge through other's products and will someone continue the "Buss" series of equipment?

« Last Edit: October 10, 2021, 06:32:25 PM by dflee »
"Enjoy pleasure, not because it is fleeting, but because it exists at all." Sacrament, Clive Barker.

Offline P.I.

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Re: P.I. audio group will cease to be...
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2021, 11:01:54 PM »
"my friend 👍🏼"
I am not worthy (but ever so grateful).
Your equipment will grace my humble abode till I no longer exist.
Speaking of, disconnected the tele cause I'm out of room in the Digi and no, that aint gonna get it. Color definition left the building. Now I have the cable out and while the sould took a hit I'll probably live with it cause the Digi does so much for everthing plugged into it. While it is a shame to be losing your products, I hope we can still rely on your expertise for many years to come.
Will there be a continuation of your knowledge through other's products and will someone continue the "Buss" series of equipment?

Get a triple tap from a big box store and plug it into one of the receptacles.  It will net you one more outlet.  Treat the contacts with a contact enhancer...

I am working on the continuing existence of the BUSS-Line of products with a long established and well known member of the audio manufacturing community.  I do believe that things will be continued and that ideas I have that I just don't have time to bring to market will happen.  My hands and broken body are giving up on me, but my brain is absolutely engaged.  I actually have several companies interested and simply have to make the best decision for everyone involved.

I will continue to supply a couple of companies that co-op my goods.  I have to keep myself engaged.  I will probably refine and market some items that I gave done in the past.  Then again, there are the equipment mods that I love to do...

I'll be active and here as long as God gives me breath, ability and intellect to do so.  I think of possibilities when I try to go to sleep.  One of the reasons I post stuff... let's see...  11:57PM, and still going strong.  I wake up at the crack of 9:00AM-ish most days.  The old R&R drummer/guitarist is ingrained in the Old Guy.

It is just P.I. audio group that will bite the big begonia...  not me.
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline P.I.

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Re: P.I. audio group will cease to be...
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2021, 10:37:10 PM »

On the one hand, I'm sorry to learn of this. Your PI Audio Busses are kickass, and I still use all three of mine. I agree wholeheartedly with what rpf and mdconnelly have stated. You have contributed a great deal to not only this forum but to that 'other forum' as well. On the other hand, I understand your decision. There comes a time when other matters become more important - offspring; grandkids, simple pleasures of holding hands with Gayle as you walk in the park.

Enjoy yourself - you've earned it.

Are you contemplating moving to Oregon now to be closer to family?

Uhm, not really thinking about Oregon any longer.  Daughter Alicia and husband Stu + Dixie the Amazing Pitbull moved to Tucson so she can do a fellowship in addictive medicine treatment and is slowly transferring her internal medicine practice to there.  She is flying back and forth to Portland so she can mentor her head interns under her.  Our other daughter's husband may be moving to Phoenix to open a new ASM branch, so... 

Hey:  Tucson is 6-ish hours by car.  Going there for Halloween!   👻 Boo!
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

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Re: P.I. audio group will cease to be...
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2021, 07:01:44 AM »
Wow Dave. Sorry to see you go. We have lost a lot of great people in this industry but happy to see someone leaving on THEIR terms. Enjoy your retirement and enjoy your time now that allows you to cherish the loved one that sat by you all these years.
Enjoy, be well and stay in touch. I'm sure there are many that will miss you and your great products my friend.
Design Engineer
Response Audio NY
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