Author Topic: Latest issue of audioXpress magazine and dspNexus article  (Read 3410 times)

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Latest issue of audioXpress magazine and dspNexus article
« on: October 27, 2021, 01:33:18 PM »
The latest issue of audioXpress magazine has an article by Al Clark of Danville Signal Processing, Inc. about the genesis of the new dspNexus DSP system.  It has much more capability than a DSP crossover like the original dspMusik 2x8 system.

Here is a link to the audioXpress website that talks about the latest issue with the article.

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Re: Latest issue of audioXpress magazine and dspNexus article
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2021, 04:43:40 PM »
Very cool.

I am all about using things like VST plugins andf other pro doftware with computer audio.  When it come to some of the smaller DSP companies I tend to be very wary because some of it just doeasn't sound right/good to me.

OK, I'm me, so I will calls a spade a bloody shovel.  The "Mini DSP" products really leave me wondering why they got into the business other than just make money.  Hey, I'm a capitalist at heart and so I get it, but their gear just has never sounded good to me in any application that I heard it in  Granted, these systems have tended to be the "target audience" of cheap HT, but I just don'yt grok doing a business just for the money.  Intellectual and spiritual satisfaction must enter in there somewhere.

WOW!  What an unintentional rant, but I believe every word so there it is.

Rich, from what I see you guys are some of the very few that are really driven to get it "right" (whatever that might be)... kudos!   :thumb:
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline HAL

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Re: Latest issue of audioXpress magazine and dspNexus article
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2021, 11:06:36 AM »
Hey Dave!,

Thanks, they are trying! :)

I have used a few different DSP systems out there and this has been a big improvement over them all.  It is not just about building the hardware as some do.  Even the DSP processing algorithms make a big difference.  Helps a lot to have an analog designer that does DSP designing and building the system.

Since the dspNexus is fully modular, it can be upgraded as time goes on with simple board swaps.  That will come in handy as the DSP's available with new 64bit float processors are coming into use and new ADC's and DAC's as well.
