Very cool.
I am all about using things like VST plugins andf other pro doftware with computer audio. When it come to some of the smaller DSP companies I tend to be very wary because some of it just doeasn't sound right/good to me.
OK, I'm me, so I will calls a spade a bloody shovel. The "Mini DSP" products really leave me wondering why they got into the business other than just make money. Hey, I'm a capitalist at heart and so I get it, but their gear just has never sounded good to me in any application that I heard it in Granted, these systems have tended to be the "target audience" of cheap HT, but I just don'yt grok doing a business just for the money. Intellectual and spiritual satisfaction must enter in there somewhere.
WOW! What an unintentional rant, but I believe every word so there it is.
Rich, from what I see you guys are some of the very few that are really driven to get it "right" (whatever that might be)... kudos!