SC update: For those who have found that the Grover S IC's achieved better harmonic balance with longer burnin, and are happy with the high end extension, I have only one thing to say: please try the SC cables!! I probably have about 50+ hours on them now, and they definitely sound better than the S cables (to my ears, of course). Midrange is cleaner, clearer, and the high end extension and killer bass from the S cables remains. The cables seem more musical, mostly because I hear more music (the background is quieter, and notes seem to have more audible longevity. I think due to a quieter presentation.)
I have to say that I was a bit stunned at bixby's comment that spatial clues were missing. I hear so much high end extension capacity in the S and SC cables that the musical "setting" jumped out at me more than ever before. I understand the relative recessing of midrange, and tone issues (those went away for me with long burnin), but the high end on these cables provide me more spatial information than I have ever heard before (with some definite edginess in the beginning - fortunately the S and SC cables both settled down nicely over time). Something sounds out of whack in bixby's situation - maybe a defect in the cables? Maybe a poor design for the balanced cables? Hard to say, but I am also using an analog front end and all tube amplification so we might be looking in very different windows.
I urge all who like the S cables try the SC cables. If you don't like them more than the S cables, I am sure Grover has a big pile of S cables available to send back...

I listen to a lot of music with vocals (M. Peyroux right now, and that husky voice is ALL there!) and the accuracy is just stunning. Jacintha and Holly Cole sound "in the room", and slight shifts away from the mike are easily audible.
So try the SCs if you like the S ICs, and if you were a bit disappointed by the S, try the SC too (there is a notable difference).

(System info: Benz Glider cartridge, Rega 25 table, Wright Sound Co phono stage, ModWright 9.0SE preamp, modded ASL Hurricanes, to Ellis 1801b's [this month, with Timepiece Mini's arriving soon, I hope].
I think Grover hit a home run with the SC's, and I still hear the cables evolving. (Too bad he kept me waiting till the 9th inning.

Bill C