Just a commentary..
I heard a very expensive digital amp and preamp, it was digital not class D, the amp and preamp were designed to work together via some type of single wire connection.
It sounded very good, nice tone big space and images, but after listening to several different tracks of different styles of music something I noticed was that everything sounded the same.
Different artists at different recording venues all started to come out sounding like it was part of the same recording.
My takeaway was that the digital processing was taking the signal and processing it in such a way that every signal that went thru that "filter" came out sounding very similar.
It wasn't bad sounding but after a while I started to get a little bored.
This is just something I noticed in this situation, perhaps a different system would sound different but in this case this was my takeaway.
It sort of started a way of thinking that kind of made me leery of DSP in speakers, does DSP do something similar to a signal that it affects it so much to alter it and re-imagine it in a different light than the original?
I don't have any answers, just more questions