Author Topic: Gateway Audio Society - Keep In Touch Thread  (Read 191181 times)

Offline richidoo

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Re: Gateway Audio Society - Keep In Touch Thread
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2009, 09:14:42 AM »
Hey Bob! Welcome !

Offline Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Gateway Audio Society - Keep In Touch Thread
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2009, 02:43:47 PM »
Thanks Bryan and Rich.
Just poking around here for a few minutes, it's amazing how many monikers look familiar. Obviously not just in this thread, but the entire site.
Kinda makes me feel all warm and cozy.  ;)



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Re: Gateway Audio Society - Keep In Touch Thread
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2009, 05:54:59 PM »

Don't be starting any trouble over here....  :rofl:  :rofl:

Offline Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Gateway Audio Society - Keep In Touch Thread
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2009, 06:14:05 PM »

Wel Gezz Chris, that was the sole reason I came here.
You know how us "weasel scumbag moderators" area, we like to spread negativity.
Thanks for ruining my stealth like entrance.  :-P

Good seein' ya here buddy.  ;)



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Re: Gateway Audio Society - Keep In Touch Thread
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2009, 06:18:41 PM »
Anything on the job front Bob?

Offline Carlman

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Re: Gateway Audio Society - Keep In Touch Thread
« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2009, 06:56:44 PM »
I welcome you, Bob!

(stepping back...I don't know the situation here..)  If there was a butting-heads issue, that's your business.  Keep in mind, AN is not 'AC fallout' ;).  We're our own little niche of crazies.  We welcome everyone intent on discussing/improving their hifi, experimenting, and building a community around our common goals.  We also have a good relationship with AC and I'd like to keep it that way.

Have fun and please use the gallery.


I really enjoy listening to music.

Offline richidoo

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Re: Gateway Audio Society - Keep In Touch Thread
« Reply #21 on: June 01, 2009, 08:45:33 PM »
Carl, Bob is being sarcastic about the state of AC prior to the dawning of the new age. He moderated the Sports Bar until the monkeys took over and shit all over the place, calling him weasel scumbag moderator for doing his job - damn well I might add. It was a sad time, but it was the beginning of the end of the old AC and dawning of a new era of respect and Rule of Law. Hallelujah!  :D  Bob is one of the good guys.

Bob, Carl used to be an AC superhero too. He started AN in the wake of similar monkey eruption a couple years ago. But that was before my time. I don't dare go back and read that shit. It's a new day!

Offline Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Gateway Audio Society - Keep In Touch Thread
« Reply #22 on: June 01, 2009, 09:40:15 PM »
Chris, no.....  :? .....Six weeks and counting. Nothing. A couple nibbles on the hook, but nothing serious. Nothing that's been more than half of what I was at before. I'm still giving serious consideration to your idea. Thanks for that. I'm still holding on to the idea of giving you a call one of these days and talk it over.
By the way pal, Thanks for getting me busted by the local sheriff. Damn....My first day in town too.  :duh :-P

Carl, You will not get any trouble from me Sir. No way, no how, no Sir.
My goal is to talk to friends ("like minded individuals" shall we say) about things we enjoy talking about. Mainly audio/video, but whatever we can manage to talk about in a calm, cool and collected manner and stay within the guidelines of AN.
Not sure I'm all that Rich as played me up to be (thanks for that dude), but the LAST thing I ever want to be is one of the bad guys. Being the mod of a general off topic area of a site that wished to keep a tight reign on what can and can't be said has earned me a few enemies along the way. I'm done with that. I'll mod the occasional "specific area", but no more off topic stuff for me. I still mod the Home Theater Circle there, and the Home theater area on the HawthorneAudio Forum so I'm not leaving AC on a bad note. If fact, I'm not leaving at all. But being a mod myself, I know where your concern is coming from.
I have a good relationship with AC, everybody on it, all of the other mods and JohnR. I have no hard feelings. Just wanted to expand my horizons a bit and ran across a thread there that talked about this place. I then ran across an area where all the St. Louis guys are hanging out. Well, golly gee I've got to join in!!

So please Carl, put the pistol down Sir. I'm not startin' any trouble around these here parts. No Sir.
I'm one of your kinda folk.....the peace keepin' type.

I'm shakin' hands.......virtually speaking of course........ :beer:

Rich, thanks for the back-up and the kind words. After the not so kind words I've had thrown my way, it's good to hear some nice one's. Thank you for that.

Now, if we can move on, I feel like I've already brought negativity and off topic to this peaceful forum and thread.
Sorry about that men. Please carry on.  8-[ :oops:



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Re: Gateway Audio Society - Keep In Touch Thread
« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2009, 09:48:38 PM »
By the way pal, Thanks for getting me busted by the local sheriff. Damn....My first day in town too.

....... :rofl: Just having some fun Bob....
..............everyone knows your a straight shooter...and a good guy... :beer:

Offline Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Gateway Audio Society - Keep In Touch Thread
« Reply #24 on: June 01, 2009, 09:59:07 PM »
Thanks Chris!  8)
It's all good Brother.  ;)


Offline spudco

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Re: Gateway Audio Society - Keep In Touch Thread
« Reply #25 on: June 02, 2009, 05:11:59 AM »
Glad to see you finally found us!  I know you'll be a great addition to this crew.


Offline Carlman

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Re: Gateway Audio Society - Keep In Touch Thread
« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2009, 07:24:51 AM »
I was only trying to keep the peace.. no pistols.. I totally understand and appreciate your explanation!
I really enjoy listening to music.

Offline Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Gateway Audio Society - Keep In Touch Thread
« Reply #27 on: June 02, 2009, 07:28:18 AM »
HA HA, Ok Carl, good deal. Thanks for the kind welcome earlier.

Edward!! Great to see you here too!  :D


Offline rollo

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Re: Gateway Audio Society - Keep In Touch Thread
« Reply #28 on: October 09, 2009, 09:57:06 AM »
Welcome men. Yes this is a good mellow place to hang out. We do go at now and then with difference of opinion. The difference is no one makes it personal. Gotta love it. Open mature debate with respect of opinion.

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Re: Gateway Audio Society - Keep In Touch Thread
« Reply #29 on: October 13, 2009, 04:11:31 PM »
Hey, guys, thanks to BobinSTL, I am joining the psych ward here, too.

The Other Bob