Author Topic: Maestro AC Outlet  (Read 14086 times)

Offline _Scotty_

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Re: Maestro AC Outlet
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2023, 11:32:20 PM »
Speaking as one of "poors" I am using cryoed Hubble outlets in a multiple outlet Felix and at the wall.
They don't sound bad to me. Back in the 80s I switched out the crap that was in the walls of the double wide I was living in at the time for commercial grade 20 amp Leviton Decora receptacles,[ie,still made in America at the time] and put Hubble cord caps
on all the equipment. My wife could hear the improvement from another room and asked me what I had changed. To say that she was somewhat surprised at the change for the better given the modest expenditure
would be an understatement.
 I was following the recommendations of a friend of mine who had a milliohm
meter and had done the research to find the best sounding lowest resistance connection. At the time the sound quality seemed directly related to the connection resistance. This was long before more exotic
materials were used in receptacles and cord caps.


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Re: Maestro AC Outlet
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2023, 02:50:15 AM »
I have to get some rollers from lowes this afternoon, maybe I'll pick up a couple of those outlets while I'm there.
Anyone need any power cords or speaker cable while I'm there?
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Offline Emil

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Re: Maestro AC Outlet
« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2023, 04:45:53 AM »
Oh boy I just found this on Agon

Even if true, its fairly priced considering

Or for the same price you can get these:

The Synergistic Research TESLA Plex SE is Synergistic Research's Quantum Tunneled duplex outlet. Quantum Tunneling is a process that changes the way a conductor works at the sub atomic level, impacting the entire TESLA Plex SE assembly. By applying a two million volt signal to each individual unit, at a specific pulse modulation and an ultra high frequency, for an exact duration of time, transforming the outlet at the molecular level. This process is also performed on all cables, from the Core series to the Galileo series. The “before and after” is startling, with a lower noise floor and improvements in inner detail, air, low frequency extension, and overall transparency.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2023, 04:47:31 AM by Emil »
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Re: Maestro AC Outlet
« Reply #18 on: January 11, 2023, 09:03:59 AM »
  Everything can make a difference wether good or bad. It is fun trying as long as it not breaking the bank. Installing a dedicated sub panel off main panel made a huge difference. Wired with 8ga cryoed Romex. Siemens silver breakers. Dead quiet,more dynamic, more info. Have 4 dedicated lines using two. One for Digital one for analog. Each line is conditioned with a Gilbert Young XF 3000 power conditioner. The PIAudio has been removed as in comparison to XF PIAudio was forward and bright.
   A dead quite background where the music is presented in an effortless fashion with a bigger soundstage and better separation between instruments. Well worth every penny spent.

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Offline Barry (NJ)

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Re: Maestro AC Outlet
« Reply #19 on: January 11, 2023, 12:31:39 PM »
No sub panel, just a dedicated 20amp line from the main panel to the room, in process of replacing consumer grade outlets with some Leviton Hospital Grade duplex outlets...
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Offline GDHAL

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Re: Maestro AC Outlet
« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2023, 02:34:07 PM »
  Everything can make a difference wether good or bad. It is fun trying as long as it not breaking the bank. Installing a dedicated sub panel off main panel made a huge difference. Wired with 8ga cryoed Romex. Siemens silver breakers. Dead quiet,more dynamic, more info. Have 4 dedicated lines using two. One for Digital one for analog. Each line is conditioned with a Gilbert Young XF 3000 power conditioner. The PIAudio has been removed as in comparison to XF PIAudio was forward and bright.
   A dead quite background where the music is presented in an effortless fashion with a bigger soundstage and better separation between instruments. Well worth every penny spent.


True that everything *can* make a difference. I've been wanting to swing by your place for a while. It was put off due to your unfortunate flooding and then (simultaneous?) covid. That's behind us. Let's do it. I always bring gigabytes upon gigabytes of music, to gift. Yeah, when we last spoke on the phone the piano you had roaring in the background necessitated a pause in our conversation!  :-P

No sub panel, just a dedicated 20amp line from the main panel to the room, in process of replacing consumer grade outlets with some Leviton Hospital Grade duplex outlets...

Me too. No sub-panel. Just a dedicated 20 amp line (except in my case in the dead of summer I need that outlet for A/C, so minimal A/V at those rare moments). I am not in process of replacing my consumer-grade outlet. I wish I could do so from a practical perspective. In my case, it involves a second outlet, which means more holes in the wall, etc. I'm fortunate in that the outlet I have currently albeit 50 years plus old is very good, as in extremely tight. Otherwise, I'd have no choice but to replace it. If I replaced it, would probably go with Maestro, but there are many options in the high-end audio outlet space. Trust me, when/if I win the lottery (and I'm in a life-changing drawing 365/24/7 for more than 30 years) and build a dedicated audio room from scratch, the power supply will certainly be on the "to-do" list.  8)
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Offline Putz

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Re: Maestro AC Outlet
« Reply #21 on: January 11, 2023, 08:23:20 PM »
I've had 2 Maestros for 7 years now. No complaints. I paid $85 back then so price hasn't really changed.