Systemic Development > Amplification and Preamplification
Blowing speaker drivers upon turn on
S Clark:
I've got an audiophile friend that keeps blowing drivers upon turn on... three times in the past 12 months. He gets in a hurry and forgets his sequence. He's using an older AR tube preamp..not sure which amp he has in at the moment.
I've never had this issue. All my amps have a delayed start. Would this feature fix his problem?
My preamps are Dodd battery models.
Nick B:
Yikes, 3 times in a year? I’m not technically inclined, but I’d think a delayed start would be helpful. Why not have the instructions on his phone, tablet so he can refer to that each time.
S Clark:
--- Quote from: Nick B on March 27, 2023, 12:08:17 PM ---Yikes, 3 times in a year? I’m not technically inclined, but I’d think a delayed start would be helpful. Why not have the instructions on his phone, tablet so he can refer to that each time.
--- End quote ---
He knows the sequence, he just gets absent minded (as do I occasionally). In my system, it's the phono pre that I have to watch out for. But amp first in, last out is what I've always heard is best the least likely to cause a loud surge.
Correct procedure is power amps being turned on last, and off first.
Either way though it shouldn't blow speakers. At worst there should be an audible and unpleasant noise from the speakers. And typically the noise is emanating from the bass drivers, which by design can handle more current.
In my particular case I power on off at will in whatever sequence and it has no effect unless I deny my speakers power with out them letting them go out of standby on their own but that's a different story because they have their own amps built in.
Edit: this is the source of my info read the post from almarg. If you don't know who he is and think you know better, think again.
I'd like to apologize for my previous post. Upon rereading it I'm of the opinion it comes across as being disrespectful. I shouldn't underestimate anyone's knowledge.
Hopefully I'll be forgiven. Thank you all.
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