Author Topic: Evolution...  (Read 46280 times)

Offline Guy 13

  • Obsessively Audiophilic
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« Reply #135 on: January 02, 2020, 08:04:43 PM »

Hi all.
My (Systems) EVOLUTION spreaded over five decades is something
that I am not necessary proud of.
With all that money spent trying to improve my systems,
all that money (Probably 100,000 $)
could have been put aside until I was ready and well informed
on a system that could have kept me happy for a minimum of 20 years
or until the technology was opsolete, if such a thing exist.
(I still have tube amplifier, which is old technology, older than I am.)
But I guess it was fun shopping and buying new audio components.
Today I can (Proudly) say that I've owned in the past
a Naim and a Linn and a Decware and a GR Research, etc....
Evolution is good, as long as you don't go bankrupt buying stuff.
Updating components is good is it brings something,
like better sound quality or comvnience or smaller footprint.
I was never trying to keep-up with the John's (If you know the expression)
I was only trying to have the best sound possible and I have to admit,
the best looking stuff, not to impress other, but to impress myself and my ego.
I am in the process of downsizing everything audio - video
(Except the TV 32'' to 55'') I will always be looking a better
and more expensive components,
but compare to 40 years ago, now I can control myself,
well, not much choice,  my retired revenues are not what they use to me
20 years ago.
I don't want to give any advices, only tell you to enjoy the music
even if your system is not perfect.
Like some says:
Don't listen to the compnents, listen to the music.
That's what I am doing now and it's more rewarding than it was sometime ago.

Enjoy and relax.

Guy 13
Grace Digital Mondo RIT
Cambridge Mini sub 2.1
Schiit Fulla 2 DAC
Schiit SYS PCC
Sony Passive Bookshelf speakers
Lot more stuff on storage
prior to moving back to Canada.

Offline Nick B

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Re: Evolution...
« Reply #136 on: January 02, 2020, 09:58:48 PM »

Hi all.
My (Systems) EVOLUTION spreaded over five decades is something
that I am not necessary proud of.
With all that money spent trying to improve my systems,
all that money (Probably 100,000 $)
could have been put aside until I was ready and well informed
on a system that could have kept me happy for a minimum of 20 years
or until the technology was opsolete, if such a thing exist.
(I still have tube amplifier, which is old technology, older than I am.)
But I guess it was fun shopping and buying new audio components.
Today I can (Proudly) say that I've owned in the past
a Naim and a Linn and a Decware and a GR Research, etc....
Evolution is good, as long as you don't go bankrupt buying stuff.
Updating components is good is it brings something,
like better sound quality or comvnience or smaller footprint.
I was never trying to keep-up with the John's (If you know the expression)
I was only trying to have the best sound possible and I have to admit,
the best looking stuff, not to impress other, but to impress myself and my ego.
I am in the process of downsizing everything audio - video
(Except the TV 32'' to 55'') I will always be looking a better
and more expensive components,
but compare to 40 years ago, now I can control myself,
well, not much choice,  my retired revenues are not what they use to me
20 years ago.
I don't want to give any advices, only tell you to enjoy the music
even if your system is not perfect.
Like some says:
Don't listen to the compnents, listen to the music.
That's what I am doing now and it's more rewarding than it was sometime ago.

Enjoy and relax.

Guy 13

I got involved in audio in the late 70s and more with hi end equipment starting in the late 80s. I guess spending money...and often too much 💰 💰 part of the learning curve. My system keeps improving and I am quite happy about that. I have changed my philosophy a bit and rather than having a very “neutral” sounding system, I’m looking for more of a midrange emphasis. Whether someone calls that euphoric, colored or whatever, that’s the musical presentation that appeals to me most nowadays.
Orchard Starkrimson Ultra amp
Hattor Big preamp
JMR Voce Grande speakers
Holo Cyan2 dac
Holo Red streamer
Spiritual Sound silver/gold
digital coax and interconnects
TWL Digital American II p cord
Audio Envy p cords
Roon, Tidal, Qobuz
PI Audio UberBUSS

Offline Guy 13

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Re: Evolution...
« Reply #137 on: January 03, 2020, 12:17:13 AM »

Hi all.
My (Systems) EVOLUTION spreaded over five decades is something
that I am not necessary proud of.
With all that money spent trying to improve my systems,
all that money (Probably 100,000 $)
could have been put aside until I was ready and well informed
on a system that could have kept me happy for a minimum of 20 years
or until the technology was opsolete, if such a thing exist.
(I still have tube amplifier, which is old technology, older than I am.)
But I guess it was fun shopping and buying new audio components.
Today I can (Proudly) say that I've owned in the past
a Naim and a Linn and a Decware and a GR Research, etc....
Evolution is good, as long as you don't go bankrupt buying stuff.
Updating components is good is it brings something,
like better sound quality or comvnience or smaller footprint.
I was never trying to keep-up with the John's (If you know the expression)
I was only trying to have the best sound possible and I have to admit,
the best looking stuff, not to impress other, but to impress myself and my ego.
I am in the process of downsizing everything audio - video
(Except the TV 32'' to 55'') I will always be looking a better
and more expensive components,
but compare to 40 years ago, now I can control myself,
well, not much choice,  my retired revenues are not what they use to me
20 years ago.
I don't want to give any advices, only tell you to enjoy the music
even if your system is not perfect.
Like some says:
Don't listen to the compnents, listen to the music.
That's what I am doing now and it's more rewarding than it was sometime ago.

Enjoy and relax.

Guy 13

I got involved in audio in the late 70s and more with hi end equipment starting in the late 80s. I guess spending money...and often too much 💰 💰 part of the learning curve. My system keeps improving and I am quite happy about that. I have changed my philosophy a bit and rather than having a very “neutral” sounding system, I’m looking for more of a midrange emphasis. Whether someone calls that euphoric, colored or whatever, that’s the musical presentation that appeals to me most nowadays.

Hi Nick.
Humm mmm let me try to explain my philosopy about what I expect from what my system
should give me.
Micro details in the high frequencies, detail and naturalness in the ids (Voices) and some details
in the low frequencies, no boum boum...
I got 90% of that with my last system.
Rega Apollo, Decware SE84C+ and a pair of Omega 7F and double Emicence 12'' Acoustinator
driven by an inexpensive GR Research SA-1 plate amplifier,
not what you could call and high end system.
Probably not a flat frequency response, more like a roller coaster...
But, that the kind of sound I like and that make me happy.
As a matter of fact, this system's sound makes me more happy than my
Linn - B+W - Naim system I bought 40 years ago and that I paid 15,000 Cnd $
money of 1978.
Probably double that in today's money.
I we buy a triplex house, I might have room to keep my dream system
otherwise, well I will (Try) to enjoy whatever I will be able to keep
and that can fit in a small one bedroom appartment.

Guy 13

Grace Digital Mondo RIT
Cambridge Mini sub 2.1
Schiit Fulla 2 DAC
Schiit SYS PCC
Sony Passive Bookshelf speakers
Lot more stuff on storage
prior to moving back to Canada.

Offline Guy 13

  • Obsessively Audiophilic
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  • Audio should be simple !
« Reply #138 on: January 09, 2020, 04:58:10 PM »

Hi all.
This topic (EVOLUTION) just reached 5,000 views.
Thanks all.
I wonder what did you like the most about this topic ?
The photos, the text, thestory or something else.
It's a good time now for the newbies
and the shy members to post some opinions.
Thanks again.

Guy 13 on planet Vienam.
Grace Digital Mondo RIT
Cambridge Mini sub 2.1
Schiit Fulla 2 DAC
Schiit SYS PCC
Sony Passive Bookshelf speakers
Lot more stuff on storage
prior to moving back to Canada.